
Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Adventure Tips N Tricks! My name is Allison and I have been a travel advisor for 2 years now. It has been a wonderful adventure! I have always traveled a lot and I would help family and friends with their trips since I've always loved planning. I never thought of making it into a career until my husband brought it up. It was such a smooth and natural transition and now I'm even more thrilled to be working on a blog AGAIN!  About 8 years ago I was a blogger reviewing books for both indie and main stream authors. I've won awards for being an up and coming blogger and would receive ARC copies. I absolutely love reading and being able to review books was a dream come true... at the time. I had to take a step back in order to focus on school.  Now onto my new dream!  I would love to share the things I have learned during my travels. Especially since I've been traveling with 2 littles. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. Safe to say that traveling